How Standard Time is Obtained
Literature and Knowledge Publishing
Date de publication

How Standard Time is Obtained

Literature and Knowledge Publishing

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782366597769
    • Fichier EPUB, libre d'utilisation
    • Fichier Mobipocket, libre d'utilisation
    • Lecture en ligne, lecture en ligne

    Mise en Forme

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    • Balisage de la langue fourni

    Normes et Réglementations

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This book deals with how the Standard or Universal time is obtained; and What
is the Accurate Measurement of Time.

" Almost everybody knows that observatories are the places from which standard
time is sent out and corrected daily or hourly. But comparatively few have
more than the vaguest idea of the means used at the observatories for
obtaining it. Probably the majority of people suppose that the observatories
obtain the correct time from the sun. When the average man wishes to give his
watch the highest praise he says, "It regulates the sun," not being aware that
a watch which would keep with the sun around the year would have to be nearly
as bad as Sam Weller's. The farmer may safely decide when to go in to dinner
by the sun, but if the mariner was as confident that the sun marked always the
correct time as the farmer is he would be sure to be at times two or three
hundred miles from where he thought he was. In other words, the sun—that is, a
sundial—is only correct on a few days in each year, and during the intervening
times gets as far as a whole quarter hour fast or slow. These variations of
the sun from uniform time caused no end of trouble between the astronomers and
the fine clockmakers before it was discovered that sun time is subject to such
irregularities. The better the clock, the worse it often seemed to go..."

*[ xix e]: 19e siècle
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