Studying food and eaters, A cocktail of perspectives and methods
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Studying food and eaters

A cocktail of perspectives and methods


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  • Aide EAN13 : 9782759236657
    • Fichier EPUB, avec Marquage en filigrane

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Researchers rarely reveal the details of the methodological choices on which
their research is based. The theoretical and practical considerations that
have guided them in these choices often remain implicit. In this book, the
focus is on methods for studying food and 'eaters'. The use of the term
'eaters' is intended to distinguish them from the simple image of a consumer.
It emphasises the multi-dimensionality of the act of eating, an act that
engages individuals socially as much as physically and inserts them into space
and time as well as into economic exchanges. This book is the result of a
collective effort by some forty established researchers. The aim is to provide
a critical overview of fifteen methods currently used in or at the crossroads
of different disciplines: anthropology, economics, geography, nutrition and

The book will be of interest to students, teachers, expert researchers and
other professionals looking for methods to better understand or refine their
own tools for studying food and eaters.

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also available in French on our website:
Méthodes d'investigation de l'alimentation et des mangeurs
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